fellagame is 1 year old now! not like when it released but when it started development
i still remember when the pea bag object was just 9 peas in a square formation
i luv newgrounz
wassup i make like games n shit
enfp-t, 14, italian and mexican, bisexual, adhd, autistic
game developer
squidward community college
ur moms house
Joined on 11/23/22
Posted by kf20 - July 4th, 2024
wow. almost 2 months since my last post. like 2 people on newgrounds are probably wondering what the hell is happening!
ive been focusing more on actually working on the game more, and less about making huge posts talking about the current state of this project.
today, that changes. sorry for not updating all the newgrounds players i hope this will make up for wasting your time!!!
in the main menu preview image i shared over a month ago, there is a level select, a story mode, an option to go back to the title screen, a menu to view your medals, a gameplay settings menu, and an option to visit the fellagame page on my website.
but i ended up changing the medals menu to a sort of "extras" menu!
yeah, i couldnt code it so it would display unlocked newgrounds medals, so i ended up just scrapping it. (its not like theres a bar below the game that displays your medals anyway...)
oh yeah theres also a option for you to log in to newgrounds lol
PLATFORMERS ARE BORING! thats why im adding more gameplay modes to give the game some replay value.
you know vinesauce? you know that one japanese horror game vinny played for halloween that one time? the one that had an emoji chasing after you? its making a return in fellagame. start running. collect the 5 katakana characters to escape and hit the button, killing the smileghost and saving the world. this is the stupidest fucking thing ive ever done.
try to get the highest score in a level! high scores will show up on the newgrounds scoreboard. not really much to it besides trying to get the highest score possible in a level... its fun tho! (i think)
the entire level is basically done, i just need to do the boss and its dialogue and thatll be that! the reason why its delayed quite a bit is because the art. animation takes time, especially when you are a neurodivergent 14 year old. the boss will have 3 moves, chopping a slab of wood and kicking it towards you, lunging at you, and throwing a shit ton of axes, similar to the wesel enemy. that shouldnt take long at all, but its the art bro.
you know how when you hit an enemy once and you fucking die and get sent back to the start of the level and there is only health in the bosses? THATS GONNA CHANGE! health bars are now in the game! when you get hit by an enemy, instead of exploding, you just take a bit of damage! fall in a hole? not dead. platform shows up and saves you, but you still take damage. why? you still fucked up.
if you get hit or fall in a hole when you only have one health point left. youre dead. but you dont get sent back to the start of the level, no, but you restart that segment of the level. cool huh!
im adding mobile controls incase you wanna fella your games on the go. thats all.
thats really all i have to say that hasnt been said. i cant get gnome christmas out in time for this update, but likely in the next update. in that extras menu i mentioned earlier there is a jukebox so you can jam out to my tunes or @kr1sgunner's tunes. (which are way better than mine) stay tuned for the update!
Posted by kf20 - April 11th, 2024
havent posted anything fellagame related in like 2 weeks
so this post gon show yall whats new!
just so yk everything shown here might change in the future.
got rid of the pea meter in favor of something a bit more interesting.
-the unfinished point count on the top-left will keep track of your score, peas, deaths, and secrets found.
-the also unfinished rank meter at the top-center takes a bit more after the original pea meter you all know and love into something that looks less ugly in my opinion.
there will be a setting in the game options menu to switch back to the meter. (or just not have it show completely)
-the rank visualizer thingy on the top-right will not show outside of the level select. its just there because idk. testing prolly.
*the image and bove is a mockup. it probably wont look like this in the final version.
NEW GRAND MENU! this thing has a big story mode and level select button, and 4 small buttons on the bottom that will def change!
and thats all for now that i wanna share!
havent worked on forest in quite a bit bc ive been busy with all the other stuff. its also testing season at school so that blocks me a bit from working in general
thats that!
thank yall for being patient because as i plan for this to be quite an improvement over the original demo 1 thats buggy as shit, its gonna take a while. thank you for reading and i hope yall have a brand day!
Posted by kf20 - March 3rd, 2024
theres a shit ton of stuff im planning to add in demo 2, so it might take a bit!
i hope it will be worth the wait, because im trying my best to make it superior to demo 1 in 2 ways and or more!
hope you enjoy it when it comes out!
Posted by kf20 - February 4th, 2024
well not really an update, more like a fix
fixing some stuff that fucking pissed off some players of the current version of fellagame (i.e. medals and the peas not respawning)
also giving a rework to the boss and punkin bombs and how they work.
fix will either be made today or tomorrow.
very sorry to all the players who experienced these errors, because i realized them yet didnt fix them immediately.
see yall sooner or later!